Price: £6.99
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What happens when the pastor's daughter of a large, predominantly black church in Manchester, England, falls in love with a non-christian? What happens when the person that she falls for is white? How will the church react? What are the rules for this situation and how should it be handled? How is racial prejudice dealt with on both sides? What will the Pastor do? This intriguing story of "Loving on the edge" takes place in a 5000 strong Pentecostal church in the UK and causes a storm that blows through the entire congregation and brings it to the brink of disaster.
Set in 2007, this love story, filled with romance and controversy, is based on real life issues that face many churches today.
Price: £9.99
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Availability: In stock.
Written by renowned marketing and communications expert, Ewan Denny, himself a practising christian since 1979, The Marketing of Jesus Christ is a must read for every christian who loves the Lord and who wants to learn strategies and tactics that can turn themselves into successful soul winners, and their churches into effective vehicles for evangelism.
Price: £9.99
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Availability: In stock.
Getting Customers: Proven business and marketing strategies for attracting, winning and keeping customers for life Whether you are a new start up business that wants to know how best to attract and keep customers, or you are an established company seeking new ideas to improve business performance and to grow your customer base, this CD is for you. Designed for busy people who don’t have much time to readbooks or attend seminars, the CD outlines the best advice that Ewan has given to businesses over the past 25 years.
You can listen to it in your car, at home or in the office, and pick up tips a few at a time, or you can listen to it all in one go. Either way, you will want to play it over and over again and pick up the 100+ ideas and strategies that Ewan presents, all of which you can start implementing in your business straight away.
Price: £6.99
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Availability: In stock.
Did Jesus actually rise from the dead? How do we know and how can we be sure? What are the facts and where is the evidence for this claim? This CD outlines the case for the reality of Jesus’ resurrection and answers all questions and doubts raised by sceptics.
Price: £6.99
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Availability: In stock.
Following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, what did the Apostles, Elders and early christians say about Jesus that was so effective, that it enabled The Faith to spread so rapidly? What were the common themes in their messages? Why are many churches today not preaching Jesus in the same way? The Author makes the case that if churches today would follow the example and pattern of how the early church preached Jesus, then like them, we would see the same successful results and he gives his top 20 tips on how Jesus should be preached.
Price: £14.99
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Availability: In stock.
Written specifically for non marketing professionals, this wasy to read publication features proven strategies and tactics for increasing the popularity of your school and the demand for places.
Price: £14.99
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Availability: In stock.
A step by step Guide and Workbook that takes you through the process of writing a Business Plan for your company.
Price: £14.99
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Availability: In stock.
Do you want to develop a marketing strategy for your business but you don’t have the time to study or read a book about marketing? Are you someone who knows that marketing is important but you don’t know where to start when it comes to writing a Marketing Plan?
Unlike other publications, Marketing Your Business is not filled with waffle, marketing jargon or theory, but practical ideas and strategies that can be used in the real world of business.
Price: £6.99
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Availability: In stock.
This CD is a must for every christian as it goes to the heart of who we are, and how we ought to be, according to the Bible.
It examines what christians must do, according to the scriptures, to maximise their reputation for godliness, so that they can go on to become true Witnesses and Ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
The teaching concentrates on the reality of living a godly life in this modern world and Ewan outlines the top 21 characteristics that make up the personality and behaviour of a godly christian.
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