How good is your school in marketing itself? Want to find out? Then why not take the School Marketing Audit. This is a comprehensive analysis of the school’s organisation and administration to determine its effectiveness in marketing itself. The Audit will reveal from an independent, outsiders point of view, your areas of strength and those areas in which you need to work to improve.
Ten areas of school life are critically examined over a two day period, and each area is rated from one to ten to produce a final ratings score.
At the end of each section, there is a ratings score and a list of recommendations is made based on our findings, and these are presented to you in an attractive marketing document specific and unique to your school. You will then have a blue print for action in key areas of the school and be able to further develop a winning marketing plan for your school that will improve your image and raise your profile in the community.
We will handle media relations for you on a strategic and proactive basis. We will investigate stories and issuing Press Releases, organise photo opportunities and press conferences, liaise regularly with journalists from radio, television and the press, plan and coordinate VIP Reception Programmes on your behalf, and deal with crisis management.
We will organise for celebrities and role models to come into the school in order to take part in or address the staff and students, meet the parents, give a speech, take photographs with everyone and generally to become an inspiration to the school body. The press will accompany each visit and publicity for the school will be organised.
These can be conducted amongst staff, students, parents and the local community. These surveys will reveal what they really think about you and the things that have formed their opinions and conclusions about your school. Find out from their point of view, your areas of strengths and weaknesses and what you can do to improve your presentation and relationships with these and other target groups.
Training Sessions Lasts ½ Day
A free, no obligation, marketing consultancy session is available to all Headteachers and Governors.
Design & print your literature & promotional materials for maximum effect.
Recruitment of international students and overseas marketing.